Postures to reduce menstrual pains
Painful menstrual periods is not something that everyone can understand. Especially women who have carefree periods with almost no symptoms like bloating, pain or even cramps. Taking pills is an option for reducing pain, but this may take up to a couple of hours to get results. Also, painkillers on a regular basis is definitely not recommended. But there are ways to reduce the pain through yoga.
Basically yoga works by targeting the internal organs of the body and hence if done on a regular basis, helps to alleviate the symptoms of painful periods. The exercise work by focussing on digestive organs too, which in turn reduces constipation, one of the major causes of painful periods. It also eases back pain, anxiety and depression, which add on to the trauma of painful periods. Here are the yoga postures you should try out to get relief from painful periods-
Bow Pose
Dhanur asana or bow pose is a posture that helps in strengthening the muscles of the back, legs, thighs and even the chest and abdomen. It works on the stomach muscles and helps to strengthen them. It pulls the weight of the body towards the navel, which connects the nerves of the body. As a result, of this stimulation, the flow of blood to the uterus is regulated and this eases cramps. It also prevents other symptoms like bloating and depression.
How To Do It
For doing this pose, simply lie on the stomach, feet hip width apart. Then fold your legs with toes facing towards the buttocks. With your hands, hold the toes and raise the upper and lower body at the same time so that your stomach bears the body weight. Stretch and hold for 30 seconds to a minute. Repeat 3-4 times.
Janu Sirsasana A: Head-To-Knee Forward Bend
This posture works by stretching muscles of the legs, groin and hamstrings along with the stomach. It eases all symptoms of painful periods including pain in the back, stomach and body. Furthermore, it also reduce signs of depression.
How To Do It
Sit on the floor with legs in front. Now bend your right leg and pull the heel as close to the groin as possible. Stretch the left leg and keep it straight. Now bend forward and hold the left foot with both hands. Exhale as you bend forward and inhale as your come back. Hold the posture for as long as you can. Switch sides and repeat with the other leg.
Fish Pose Or Matsyasana
This is another great pose for getting rid of fatigue along with all painful symptoms of menstruation. It also helps to stretch the muscles and stimulates your stomach organs to reduce gas, constipation and bloating.
How To Do It
Lie on floor with feet flat and knees bent. Then straighten the legs with arms on side. Then place hands under hips and using your bent elbows, raise the upper body off the floor. The head remains on the floor and only chest should be raised. Exhale as you lift.
Ustrasana: Camel Pose
This pose works by strengthening back, legs, stomach and hand muscles too. It is great for losing weight and letting the stomach organs work freely.
How To Do It
Kneel on a mat, with feet hip width apart. Keep your hands on the hips and slowly take them back towards the heel as you stretch back from the butts, back and head. Inhale as you move backwards and then exhale while holding the posture and pushing hips forward. Repeat as required.
Arching Pigeon
With this pose, the hips widens and thus helps to stretch the belly also. It works very well for receiving symptoms like cramping by letting the nerves relax and improves blood flow.
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How To Do It
Sit on a yoga mat. Bend your right knee and extend left leg behind you. Then keep the hand on your butts and bend backwards. Feel the stretch from the hip. Repeat on the other side. To intensify the move, bend the back leg and hold with your hands
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